Our Staff & Board

Meet the Cedar Bog Team

Caring for Cedar Bog Nature Preserve requires the time, expertise, and commitment of a team of staff and volunteers.  Our common love of nature brings us together to do the work that promotes and protects this very special place for now and for generations to come.

Madison Brown

Preserve Manager

Madison oversees the management of Cedar Bog Nature Preserve.

Diana Boggs

Preserve Assistant

Diana oversees volunteers and helps with all aspects of management of Cedar Bog Nature Preserve.

Judy Page

Cedar Bog Association Board President

The Cedar Bog Association Board President serves a two-year term.

M Mason

Cedar Bog Association Board Vice President

The Cedar Bog Association Board Vice President serves a two-year term.

Cedar Bog Association Board Members

The Cedar Bog Association consists of a volunteer board that oversees the management of this non profit organization that manages this nature preserve.

The Cedar Bog Association is a non-profit organization that manages this nature preserve. Our board members come together to provide enthusiastic guidance in the ongoing operation of this natural treasure. We are so thankful to each and every one of them for their cooperation and support.


Cedar Bog Association Bylaws