There have been three Cedar Bog Symposiums. Each resulted in a book of papers published from the speakers. These books are a wealth of knowledge about the preserve.
Recently the Cedar Bog Association worked with Ohio Memory, a project of the Ohio History Connection, to have the entire 100-page booklet of the Cedar Bog Symposium II digitized and placed online. This booklet contains 13 research reports on the history, flora, fauna and geology of Cedar Bog, plus a 14-page bibliography of previous published accounts of Cedar Bog. See the Table of Contents, shown here, and go to “Ohio Memory” and “Cedar Bog Symposium II” to see the full booklet. Pages may be read online in book format, or individually downloaded as jpeg images for personal use at no cost.
The direct link is:
We are currently working with the Ohio Biological Survey, publishers of the “Cedar Bog Symposium” (1973 – Informative Circular #4) and the “Cedar Bog Symposium III” (1996 – Informative Publication #3), to have these also digitized and posted to Ohio Memory. In the meantime, hard copies of these are available for purchase from OBS at: